Monday, June 15, 2015

Skinny Broccoli Salad

A few years ago my sister-in-law brought broccoli salad to a family gathering.  I've never been a very adventurous eater but I decided to put some on my plate and give it a chance.  Turns out I can't remember anything else we had that day... Except the broccoli salad!  Of course when I taste something yummy I want the recipe and her reply was: I don't have one, I just start tossing ingredients together.  Bummer.  I tried recreating a few times and was always disappointed.

A few weeks ago I came upon a 'skinny broccoli salad' recipe and it reminded me that I love broccoli salad.  This recipe is very tasty (maybe it isn't quite as good but is much healthier than a full fat mayo version).  And seriously, shouldn't broccoli be the star of this show?

Also, this recipe has Greek yogurt-yuck!  I keep telling myself yogurt is an acquired taste and I should force myself to eat it.  But I can't do it.  It's just so tangy and when I start to think about something 'live' in my bowl I get all grossed out.  But I bought some (a small individual container so I didn't feel bad about throwing it out if I decided yogurt and broccoli was just too weird). Guess what? It's awesome in this recipe.  And smells like sour cream.  I truly enjoy sour cream.... Wonder if I could tolerate a baked potato with Greek yogurt?  Maybe if I scoop it into an empty sour cream tub to fool myself.....that's a whole other topic, though.  ;)

Alright, here it is, go out and buy all the broccoli and whip up this delicious recipe!

2 stalks broccoli, washed and cut into bit size pieces
Red onion, chopped (as much as you want.  I prefer a tiny amount for flavor without biting into it)
Green pepper, chopped, about 1/4 cup depending on taste
1 pouch of real bacon pieces (1/2 cup)
1/4 cup chopped pecans
5.3 oz container of Greek yogurt, fat free
1 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp sugar

Mix yogurt, vinegar and sugar.  Pour over other ingredients, stir to combine.  Chill until ready to eat.

This recipe makes about 7 - 1/2 cup servings.  If you're a weight watcher that's about 3 points plus.

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